About Tony B!

13267840_10154129147533830_2950277681957618545_nMy name is Tony Burgess. My friends call me “T-Bird”. I’m a believer, blogger, lover and bleeding heart idealist from the great city of Chattanooga, TN. I embrace all things geeky and nerdy. My life is about my wife of 18 years Laura, Cody our boy dog, family, friends and of course blogging. I work for Blood Assurance a regional blood bank. The Episcopal/Anglican Church is where I express my faith and St. Peter’s parish is my community. Grace and peace to all!

  • Born: August of 1969
  • Education: Diplomas from Red Bank High School, Hiwassee College and Middle Tennessee State University
  • Relationship Status: Married 18 years to a great lady named Laura
  • Son to Gary and Shelia, Brother to Shannon
  • Occupation: Telerecruiter for Blood Assurance
  • Interests: Blogging, Technology, Television, Media Stuff, Religion, Cooking, Sports, Social issues, Linux
  • I like Chinese food, Barbecue, Breakfast, Peanut Butter, Iced Coffee and Ketchup…seperately, not all at one time.

101 thoughts on “About Tony B!”

  1. Hey, I love your blog! 🙂
    I was wondering if you could make the scrolls infinite? Like there wouldn’t be need to click on the “Older Posts” section? Because it’s obvious I will keep going there, LOL

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Hi
    You and I have many of the same interests–blogging, social media, tech, dogs,
    But, it also sounded from your headline about Treason Day and the colonials like we both like history which I teach.
    You visited my site Reflections (soon to be mostlyblogging.com) yesterday. I am glad you liked my Dropbox article. Thanks for the visit.

    Liked by 2 people

        1. I have done the self hosted thing and I would just rather someone else manage all the network stuff. I also like how connected we can be here. But there are good reasons to self host too.

          Liked by 3 people

  3. Hi Tony, thanks for following my blog. Your ‘About Me’ made me laugh (especially the part about not eating all those foods at once, lol). Nice to meet you 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  4. You have quote an interesting blog here, i like the simplicity your put forth in your about, beautiful. Looking forward to reading more posts from you thus what i have seen so far is dope! – Cezane

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Hello, Tony.
    Thank you for following me on lifehelps.wordpress.com
    I am pleased and honored that you liked some of my work.
    Your blog is very enjoyable. I already hit the follow button, so look forward to some good reading.
    I just have one question for you: Why not Chinese food, bbq, breakfast, peanut butter, ice coffee and ketchup all together??? That would be quite a stew! (Big smile)

    Liked by 1 person

  6. You probably already have this one, but you deserve it anyway:

    I’ve nominated you for a bloggers recognition award on my latest blog post: https://dictionarydutch.wordpress.com/2016/08/16/blogger-recognition-award/

    If you want to (completely your choice) accept the award, here are the rules:
    1. You must write a post accepting this award
    2. Acknowledge the blogger that nominated you
    3. Briefly talk about how you got started blogging
    4. Give 2 pieces of advice for new bloggers
    5. Nominate 15 deserving bloggers!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I’ve nominated you for the Treasure Trove Award.

    You don’t have to do a thing.


    If you want to you can copy the award from
    my page and use it as an opportunity to
    to thank some of the bloggers who follow your
    blog –or not.

    Danica at Living a Beautiful Life made the

    It’s my way of saying Thank you for your
    support of Art by Rob Goldstein.

    To find out more click here. http://wp.me/p47Ymh-5rA

    Consider it a Thanksgiving greeting. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi Tony. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen your gravatar image on several blogs I follow, so It’s very nice to meet you. I like the style of your About page and appreciate the humour. I’ve been married for 47 years this year, so you’ve a way to go to catch me up! I’ll pop back asap and have a browse at some of your posts. Best wishes, Mille

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I noticed you love sports. My grandson has a youtube pod cast. I would appreciate it if you would take a look at it. https://youtu.be/qC7jcGWuTRI. He is now eighteen. We are proud as punch of him. He is also a cancer survivor of cancer at the age of two. He had brain cancer, chemo and stem cell work. He survived with a five per cent chance. If you believe in miracles he is one. Let me know what you think. Get some of your friends to take a look. I would get a sincere high from that. Regards, Your friend Barry.


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