Quote Of The Day

The law is meant to work for justice. But people who know themselves know that, at some point, justice had better be mitigated by mercy. And you don’t get to mercy by a legal principle. You get to mercy by way of imagination, sympathy, tenderness of heart – which are not weaknesses.

Wendell Berry

Rest In Power Philip

Today was the funeral of Prince Philip the Duke of Edinburgh at Windsor Castle in England. It was a very intimate service with the world looking in via TV. Only 30 people were in attendance due to COVID restrictions.

I have been to a couple of funerals during this time and they were small gatherings. It is noteworthy that this pandemic has impacted ritual ceremonies. Everything from worship services to weddings to funerals have been scaled back. Philips farewell is no exception. Philip could have filled St. Georges Chapel but safety has to come first.

This man who served his Queen his nation and the world will be missed. Was he perfect, no but no one is? I appreciate how dedicated he was to live a life that helped so many. His legacy will loom large. Rest in power, good sir.