People Pleaser, Imposter

I am a people pleaser which means I am hard-wired to please people sometimes at the expense of me. With that comes some imposter syndrome; if I don’t please others, they won’t like me. Thanks to my Missus who referred me to a training from work. Also, it comes with some self-esteem issues that I have had my whole life. Sometimes I don’t feel like I belong and find myself struggling to fit in. The whole imposter thing is a recent revelation and some attributes I can understand.

I am kind, courteous, and helpful but do people see that and think I am being fake or insincere by trying to please?

Life is a struggle, and adding other stuff makes it even harder. Do you feel the same way?

3 thoughts on “People Pleaser, Imposter”

  1. Living life as a thinking creature I dare say it is full of struggles. Fun fact about the imposter syndrome: very often the people suffering from it are the right people at the right place, they just don’t see it. So it’s quite possible that the majority of people think of you as kind and friendly, however it’s your own mind making you doubt this.


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