Lend a Hand to Those Who Are Homeless

My friend Tiffany has launched a site to help others find their way in helping others. Check out http://scatteredbranches.com today.


While there are many different and worthy ways to help those who don’t have secure housing (and I encourage you to pursue as many as possible), here are a few ways to make a few dollars go far towards helping others in need and knowing you are providing value.

Prepare Individual Care Packages

Pre-assemble care packages that include helpful items like beef jerky, dried fruits, new socks, baby wipes, hat and gloves, travel size toiletries (save them up from your hotel stays), and grocery or drug store gift cards. These packages can either be distributed by you, if you frequent an area where homeless seek help, or delivered to your local homeless shelters, church outreach programs, and other non-profit organizations. Note that you should avoid products with alcohol like mouthwash and hand sanitizer. Also, if you package food and toiletry items together seal them off in separate bags or containers.

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