Welcome To The Tony Burgess Homepage Or Something Like That

Internet1I have done some tweaking of my site here to be a little more retro in web speak. This site is more than just a blog it’s a homepage or a hub if you will for self expression. This site is where I chronicle & curate the sacred, serious & silly things in my life. My homepage is also a way for me to connect with fellow bloggers from all walks of life. So in a way this is my home and I invite everyone to it. I have also made a couple of changes to the front page if you would like to check that out too. Thank you for your continued interest. Keep on blogging good people.

A Bit of Exciting News To Share

I have a bit of exciting news I wish to share. I recently got a promotion at work. Starting Monday I will be the team leader of the telerecruiting department at Blood Assurance. My responsibilities will involve leading the staff of amazing people in contacting donors by phone as well as administrative and managerial tasks for the department. This is an exciting opportunity for me to do more at work and to make a difference in saving lives. Onward and upward for me as I advance in my career.

Around Universal Studios Orlando

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Here are a few shots around Universal Studios Orlando park. We didn’t hit everything in the park but these photos are a few of my favorite things I saw in the area we were at. Having only two days we had to be selective and see the new, visit some old favorites and admire the rest from a far. Much has changed in the Universal park and some old attractions are no longer there like “Jaws”, “Back to the Future” and “Hanna Barbera”. Life does change and so do theme parks.

Some Pix From Diagon Alley @ The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

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Here are a few good shots from Diagon Alley at Universal Studios. You might have seen some of these from an earlier post. I can honestly say the attention to detail and the work that went into creating this attraction is mind blowing. The real feel they bring to life from the movies and books is amazing. This is a part of the park that is built to last a long time.

Home From Vacation, Return To Reality

Yesterday evening we returned from vacation at Universal Studios in Orlando Florida. It was great to get away from the everyday to have new experiences and to have a lot of fun. Two days were spent at Islands of Adventure and then in the Universal Studios park seeing some new things and familiar attractions and a couple of days were spent just relaxing and having some recreation time.

Today and the weekend is going to be a time to rest and recover. I miss being there because its always sad to leave a place like Cabana Bay Resort but nothing lasts forever including vacations. Now we have our memories and we wait til our next time to go away to renew our bodies and spirits. Soon the reality of everyday life will resume but for a time we got to get away to help us restore and reconnect as a couple. Monday is coming. I am a little better ready.

Remembering September 11, 2001 Today and Always

news-2On this day we remember 14 years ago the events of September 11, 2001 and how it changed our lives forever. We should never forget those who were lost of all races, nations, religions. People were going to work to make their lives better and support their families. Let us never be afraid of those who come to harm us. Let us be in community with those who foster peace, love and reconciliation. Today should be a day of honoring the survivors, mourning the dead and thankful for those who have and continue to keep us safe. Be with the people of New York City, Shanksville, PA and Washington DC as well as our nation and the world. Let there be peace on Earth.

Let us remember that day in American history today and always.