Stuffing Stuff In A Box

I don’t always deal with stuff I am going through when it is happening. Stuffing stuff in a box is typically what I do. Feeling your feels is hard and there will come a time when you have to deal with it all. Many of us just want to move on to the next thing before doing the work of reconciling with the people and things at the moment we are in. Of course, there are people like me who don’t take the time to resolve and reconcile. There are times when life makes you open those boxes and you have to deal with the stuff you find in them. So, the best way to move forward is to stop stuffing and start dealing. It’s a good thing for everyone to do.

6 thoughts on “Stuffing Stuff In A Box”

  1. I’m going to be turning 60 at the end of this year and all of a sudden I’m finding a whole pile of stuff I’ve been stuffing away into the furthest recesses of my mind making their presence known and demanding to be dealt with before my birthday… looks like I’m going to have a busy summer! 🙂


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