I Do Practice Religion, Respectfully

Daily writing prompt
Do you practice religion?

My name is Tony and I have been a religious person all my life. My spiritual journey has been one of faith and doubts. My belief in God is a part of who I am but not all that I am. As I have said before I am in no way a perfect believer. No one should be because it requires lots of practice and sometimes you fail but that is OK.

I know that Jesus loves me for who I am as a unique creation. My spiritual life is based on the notion that God is with me and has given me free will to make my own decisions and to make mistakes along the way. I am grateful to be with my missus who is traveling the same road.

My personal practice is based on loving God and my neighbors. Attending worship and having fellowship with fellow believers. I attend the rites and rituals of The Episcopal Church which is a part of the Anglican Communion. From there I find comfort and purpose to make the world better through loving those in my community who are different and even those who are not religious themselves.

As a religious person, I have made it my vow to be respectful to all. God would like it if all his kids would do that. However, when you see injustice you gotta call it out. That means you can’t always be nice and not everyone will like you.

All I ask for is understanding. My faith practice is not up for debate. I will answer questions to the best of my ability. I hope we can still be friends.

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