
In the debate of pro-choice or pro-life I would like to introduce the notion of pro-woman. Ultimately as the person who would be the one to carry a fetus and give birth to a child you cannot compel or mandate that in all situations they should take it to full term. It is their body, their choice. Not mine, not any other person. Life is one of those things that is multi-dimensional and you can’t easily put it in a box. Women or girls who are pregnant against their will via rape or other means should never be forced to give birth.

Women are not mere hosts, to call them that is insulting. They are human beings who shouldn’t even have to fight for full autonomy over their bodies because they aren’t slaves. Sure there are lots of things to discuss and think about in this serious issue but keeping it simple to be mindful that women have a minds of their own and should have the freedom to use them to make choices that are best for them.

If one is pro-life perhaps they should think about the life of the one who is living and existing outside the womb. The life of the innocent isn’t always about a fetus. Just saying.