Dad, I Miss You Today And Everyday, Hard To Believe It’s Been A Year

My dad passed away a year ago on August 24, 2019. It’s so hard to believe he’s been gone a year. This has been an emotionally tough time for me where my heart and soul have been on a roller coaster it seems.

Some would say he’s in a better place and I don’t buy that. I so wish he were here. He wasn’t well and he’s no longer suffering but still, it doesn’t take away the fact that I do wish I could hear his voice and to hug his neck and to do stuff together.

He is with the company of saints now. Sure he is with me in spirit but sometimes that is not enough. He is always my hero, my example of what a nerd is and he taught me that it’s OK to be tender and kind and to be a man at the same time. I hope I have made him proud of how I have carried on.

You know it’s never easy but its something one has to do. Grief is a weird thing in that it sneaks up on you when you least expect it. To me, that is the hardest part is to feel all the stuff that goes with losing someone you love. I am grateful for all those who have shown kindness, grace, understanding, and compassion in these past days. Without them its harder to get through. God is with us in the loss of special people in our lives and I am thankful.

Dad, I miss you and I love you very much. Thank you for being my dad forever.

11 thoughts on “Dad, I Miss You Today And Everyday, Hard To Believe It’s Been A Year”

  1. Grief does have a way of sneaking up on you, eh? While my words are nothing but words, and may do little to alleviate your grief, know that a man only truly dies when he is forgotten. Your dad is alive in you. He’ll be with you, to infinity, and beyond!

    Have a nice day, T.


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