My Take On The Public Ten Commandments

I am a believer. The 10 Commandments are important. They don’t belong in a classroom where people from all walks of life are there to learn and grow as people who will hopefully change the world. Imagine if the same effort to put them there was put into our public schools to make them places where children can get a quality education in a safe environment.

Also, some of those kids come to school hungry so being sure they are fed so they can perform as students who need to know stuff so they can get a good job one day. The 10 Commandments won’t make that happen.

Perhaps teaching religion at home or in a house of worship would be better. I’d rather see someone’s faith acted out in service rather than on the wall of a school classroom where other stuff should be.

2 thoughts on “My Take On The Public Ten Commandments”

  1. It’s up to parents to teach their child(ren) about the religion they believe. Public schools are not responsible for teaching religious commandments. Better that they teach students how to be kind, respectful, not bully, not fight.

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