Tag Archives: new york

September 11, 2001 – Twenty Years On

Twenty years ago. Wow it’s hard to believe that 9/11 happened twenty years ago. American and world history changed on that day. This was a time that people cannot and shouldn’t forget. Make no mistake it was about terrorism but like anything there is always more to the story.

Heroes rose from all walks of life to rescue and save lives. They also came to find survivors and recover those who were lost in the chaos and destruction. It was about America coming together in community to lift-up one another during the dark days that would follow. A lot of people were there to pick up the pieces and sort through the devastation.

It is my hope that nothing like this will happen again anywhere on Earth. Let there be peace. Let love rule.

Remember New York, Arlington, VA and Shanksville, Pennsylvania on 9/11 and other days too.

Remembering September 11, 2001 #911

Life goes on but our memory of this day is etched in history. Let there be peace on Earth and may it begin with us all. God comfort those who survived and may your love be with those who left us that day in New York, Washington DC, and Shanksville. Pennsylvania.

Remembering September 11th – It Seems So Long Ago

Seventeen years ago men and women were going to work in New York, Washington DC and Shanksville, PA. They were Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Atheist, LGBTQ, straight and other…all humans. On September 11th they had no idea what was about to happen. All they were doing is making a living and supporting their families and communities. It was just another day.

Then four planes proceeded to enact a plan that would forever change the world. America changed. America was attacked. Some lost their lives, some lived. We all suffered in one way or another as a nation. I remember people came together and we rallied together. We had friends around the world who came to our aid. We waved the flag to bring us together.

It’s been a long time since that day in September. Wounds remain, wounds have healed but that day will be marked as a historic event for years to come.

Hope and pray for peace so that nothing like this event will happen again.


Remembering September 11, 2001 – 9/11


Remembering those lost sixteen years ago on September 11, 2001. We remember the past but strive to move forward and to honor the sacrifice those made in responding to this tragedy. People from all walks of life were lost that day leaving behind those to mourn. Blessed are those who mourn and the peacemakers. Thanks to the first responders who went into danger to rescue and keep people safe. We remember those who were lost on the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq. Remember, never forget.

End the Gun Epidemic in America – The New York Times

​It is a moral outrage and national disgrace that civilians can legally purchase weapons designed to kill people with brutal speed and efficiency.

Source: End the Gun Epidemic in America – The New York Times

Enough blood has been shed in this country and we have to do something. I agree it’s a moral issue that has lives in the balance. No constitutional amendment is more important than a life.