Tag Archives: southerners

Alexa For Southerners, A Bit Of Satire

Most folks in the southern United States have a distinct accent so devices like Amazon Echo might fully understand the dialect or the accent. This video is satire of a Alexa built for the Southern consumer. I found it very funny being from the south myself.

It’s Time To Lower That Flag

I support the move of the Confederate flag to a museum or perhaps to the pages of a history book. Americans of all stripes should work towards building a new heritage of inclusion, peace, love and reconciliation. As a southerner that flag does not speak for me because I live in the 21st century, not the 19th. We must all focus on building a new south where people of all races, genders, orientation and religions are free to live without fear.

A Ramble On Being A Southerner

I have been a southerner my whole life and there are things about it I appreciate such as the food and the charm of many of its cities like my hometown of Chattanooga. I believe in a progressive vision of the south that includes people of all races, creeds, religions, orientation and politics. What I don’t embrace is holding on to the old south that relies upon relics from a bygone era such as a flag that has been in the news lately. The past in the south is something to be remembered in history as to not repeat it. We owe it to every person terrorized by the ways of the old south to step forward with helping every person realize the promise of the new ways.