A Ramble About Retirement


Today a co-worker retired after 33 years of service to the company and there was a pot-luck lunch given in her honor. My longest tenure was 8 years for Olan Mills Church Directories. People have multiple jobs in multiple locations over their lifetime. Just ask freelancers, ministers and others who work one string of temp jobs after another. Some people change jobs like they do their socks.

There is something to be said for longevity and stability. It sure makes managing your retirement fund easier I would think. Companies are getting rid of older workers all the time to keep payroll and expenses lower to improve profit margins.

Retirement is a great thing. They say you are busier in retirement than at any other time in life. This is something we all must face at one time in our lives. I can safely say I won’t get a retirement cake saying 33 years. I might get a cupcake or something like that.

4 thoughts on “A Ramble About Retirement”

  1. That’s a pretty impressive tenure in this day and age. Especially since it’s not just about employees moving away from the former norm of long tenures with companies, but companies themselves have been making people redundant and having mass layoffs left and right..


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