Tag Archives: labor

Equal Pay For Everyone

I think equality has a way to go. Women’s pro basketball players get paid much less than their male counterparts. The same could be said for women in entertainment, business and other occupations. I believe in equal work, equal pay. Women have earned it but have to continue to fight for it. Somehow the status quo remains from a bygone age. Here is to women getting what they are worth, and women are worth every penny. I just want the playing and paying fields to be leveled up.

Working For A Living

“Working For A Living” is a great song by Huey Lewis and The News. It’s also what we do to keep a roof over head and food on the table. Geoffrey Owens who was on “The Cosby Show” back in the day has been working for a grocery store chain recently to make ends meet. Someone took a picture of him at work and posted it online to shame him because of where he worked. That was a true shame of the person who felt like they knew what he should be really be doing.

Owens like millions of people around the world do not have glamorous jobs. What we make is judged and what we do for a living is under scrutiny by so many people. It’s sad that people who work in labor, fast food and other jobs are made to feel less-than.

What we do for a living matters. Blue collar folks, field workers, day laborers, construction workers and so on and so on are doing the best they can to keep themselves from homelessness and starvation. Lots of homeless folks are working but cannot afford housing. In many cities people work a lot and can barely afford their rent/mortgage.

Most people like me work paycheck to paycheck and there should be no apologies for that. Our circumstances about our work are personal and speak to our ability to contribute to society.

No one should face ridicule for what they do. I bring up the noble janitor who cleans offices and they know where all the garbage comes from and where it goes. Lots of secrets can be found there. They clean in the shadows and can overhear stuff that impacts lots of people.

Everyone struggles including those wearing white collars. We are all trying to make it in this cruel world by laboring each day for a good cause…ourselves.

Music Monday – Dolly Parton 9 to 5 – In Honor of #LaborDay

Dolly Parton is one of the most talented and hard working people in show business ever. What she has done in her career is generate hit after hit. She also is a great person and businesswoman who has done a lot for so many. Her hit song “9 to 5” is one of those songs that tells the story of a working person that applies to so many people.

Labor Day In America

Observed on the first Monday in September, Labor Day pays tribute to the contributions and achievements of American workers. It was created by the labor movement in the late 19th century and became a federal holiday in 1894. (From History.com)

To everyone who has worked to build their families and communities I salute you. Be proud of what you have done to make this world better. Whether you are punching a clock or drawing a salary your work matters. Work hard and live well. Thank you for your service to those who are working. Here is to those who are looking for their next opportunity.