Sunday Reflection – Haves and Have-Nots

Simply said, there are haves and have-nots in the world. Each has a place and space in the world. Their impact on the lives of people is very personal and very communal.

For have-nots, it is a matter of survival day to day, while those who have seem to have more options in life. It’s also a matter of self-esteem and worth in both situations.

Haves and have-nots can share the same space, or they will find themselves separated by attitudes beyond their control. Interestingly, people can sometimes find themselves straddling the line between the two. Economics and culture can play a big role in every part of life.

No matter what, everyone needs to know they are valued and loved. The struggle is real and we must realize that. Everyone is a paycheck away from being on either side of the fence.