Wednesday, August 31, 2016

keep-calm-it-s-half-way-through-the-week-it-s-wednesday-3It’s Wednesday again and I thought it would never get here. Monday and Tuesday went by really slow from my perspective. Today I hope to be productive and successful, whatever that means. I woke up at like 4:30 or so this morning and couldn’t go back to sleep, so today should be a day of fighting fatigue. This morning one of our favorite breakfast spots was closed so that was a bummer too so we went to another which was good. I was hankering for some flapjacks but got a fancy peanut butter and jelly sandwich instead. Work will keep me out of trouble throughout the day. No matter what you are up to, have a great day. Grace and peace my friends. It’s the last day of the month too, where did August go?

And Now The News Or Not

I have discovered today I can’t watch the news much anymore. Like most American’s we are burned out on politics and all the bad stuff happening. Now I can watch CBS This Morning Saturday but that’s about it. Perhaps most of us need a break from the stuff that we have seen that is violent, destructive and not up lifting. Maybe for me at least getting home at the end of the day when I have given much to the workplace I just need a break from it all. So the news is best in small doses. Perhaps there is a saturation point that I have reached. Amazing for a info junkie like me.