Impeachment Proceedings Begin In The USA Today

Impeachment proceedings begin today in Washington DC. This is a sober time of the USA where we will hopefully see justice being served. One way or another our leaders must decide the way forward and determine the fate of Donald Trump. What is happening is not a coup it’s government performing it’s duties of checks and balances.

If one branch is not doing right things it must be held accountable. Impeachment is not fun, it’s painful and there will be strained relationships because of it. May this work out for the best.

My personal take is that there is chaos in the White House and change is necessary whether it be impeachment or by ballot. Economic prosperity is not a reason to keep the status quo.

World Kindness Day, November 13 #worldkindessday


World Kindness Day is celebrated annually on 13th November. On this day, participants attempt to make the world a better place by celebrating and promoting good deeds and pledging acts of kindness, either as individuals or as organizations.

I resolve to be as kind as I can daily and to treat everyone with respect and care.