Sunday Reflection – Inclusion And Involvement

I believe in inclusion. Getting people on board and providing opportunities to find family and community is a good thing. It is acceptable to be in a group where everyone is like-minded because sometimes that is best for your mental health and to keep the peace.

Also, I believe that once you find inclusion into your tribe you have a responsibility to get involved. To make a group better, it takes having some skin in the game to grow and prosper the group as a whole.

As a blogger, I hope you all feel included and involved in some way. We all have responsibilities to exercise that. Our community is diverse and it needs to be nurtured and cared for. People need belonging but they also must be involved. The two things go hand-in-hand.

As a believer, I take my inclusion and my involvement seriously. Loving one another and loving your neighbor are two easy ways I do the work of welcoming and working.