It’s My 18th Anniversary With

Each year that passes that I get these anniversary notices it’s remarkable. My blog is now an adult on this 18th anniversary. if you think about it. I haven’t always used this blog full-time but when I started it helped me be a better blogger. Thank you, for providing us amateurs a place to express, inform, and hopefully inspire. Keep on blogging good people.

10 thoughts on “It’s My 18th Anniversary With”

  1. Wow! You’re almost at two decades of blogging. I crossed my 10-year mark on another blog of mine last year, and I hope to make it to your level in due course. Congratulations!


  2. Congrats on having a WordPress account for 18 years! I’ve had mine for something like that too, but never blogged here consistently for all that time. I’ve hopped between here and self-hosting. Mostly the latter. Now I am trying actively to avoid to self-host again, but with all the glitches and expensive plan prices, I might go back someday. Who knows!

    Happy to have found this post at least. Have a great week!


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