Tag Archives: veterans

Veterans Day and Remembrance Day – Thank You For Serving and Lest We Forget

Today veterans who have served in the armed forces of the United States and the Commonwealth of Nations are being remembered and honored. For any man or woman who wore a uniform of service may you always feel the gratitude of your countrymen and women. Your sacrifice means a lot. Thank you for everything.

Remembering Veterans On Veterans Day

In America and the Commonwealth of Nations veterans are being thanked for their service. I salute those men and women who put on their nations uniform to serve and sometimes sacrifice. Your devotion to your country men and women are duly noted and appreciated. Thank you for everything.

Memorial Day Reflection #memorialday

It’s strange that Memorial Day is not more sober and somber. The idea of celebrating it with barbecues and parties seem weird to me. Perhaps this should be a day of mindfulness and service. Those who didn’t come home from war should be honored in a different way.

To all who gave the ultimate sacrifice may what you did never be in vain and may all people benefit in pursuing life and liberty and responsible freedom. Grace and peace to you and your families who mourn this day.

May there be peace on Earth. No more bloodshed, no more pain. No more wars