Something About Kindness

Kindness in my mind is a golden virtue. I do my best to be kind to everyone. Like anything it requires practice. I do that by being kind in life and online. However, do you think that people are willing to accept it? Are we in a time when kindness is too old-fashioned? I think it’s needed now more than ever. The world is burning and kindness seems to be the extinguisher so to speak. This is something that should never go out of style. What say you friends?

Farewell “Pee Wee” Paul Reubens

Paul Reubens played Pee Wee Herman in “Pee Wee’s Playhouse”. He entertained a generation and more of people just looking for someone who could help them find belonging and some fun. Paul Died of cancer on 7/30/2023. Rest in power, Paul. The world is less fun without you.