Yet Another iPhone For The Picking

So, Apple announced a new iPhone today (shouldn’t we be at 20 by now?), and as usual, there are new features, and it costs a lot of money. I must admit I am a long-time Android user, and we get made fun of for being Android users. So I sit here looking in from the outside.

I find it curious that Apple has to release something new every year. They do make a killing off those phones. For Apple, new phones each year are a business decision they have made with some research, and their customers spend a ton on upgrading. It would be interesting to see the collection of phones some users have gathered over the years.

I can upgrade to a newer phone every two years with my Android. I don’t feel like I am missing out on waiting a while longer. Yes, I know not every iPhone user will upgrade every year. But for those who upgrade, doesn’t the whole thing make upgrading your phone less of a special event?

I can say I am an Android guy living in what seems to be an iPhone world. And I won’t understand, and that is OK. The universe of Android phones does great things, just saying.