WordPress Desktop Apps, Great For Power Blogging #wordpressdotcom #wordpress

I downloaded the WordPress App for Linux and it is a great tool to keep you focused on composing blog posts. I really like it and when all I want to do is write or read blogs its a great piece of software. You can also manage all the functions of all the blogs you operate. Download it today if you have iOS, Linux or Windows. You will be a much better blogger for doing so.


Welcome To Nerd Corner 2.0, A Place To Be Nerdy


This is my little set up in our office where I do nerdy, geeky and sometimes dorky things. There is a Dell Optiplex desktop dual booting Xubuntu and Windows 7. A Lenovo Tablet with bluetooth keyboard. Add my Android smart phone to the mix and I can run 3 screens at once. Right next to me is a Cannon wireless printer/scanner. This entire setup is powered by EPB Fiber which is my local Internet provider where I have 100mbps down and upload speed with access to 1 gig if I pay a little more.

I can’t forget I have a Toshiba Chromebook that I use mostly when I am on the couch. That is when I want Nerd Corner anywhere and everywhere. Pretty much everything I run is Open Source so that amps up the geek factor quite a bit.

Nerd Corner 2.0 allows me the tools I need to be creative and to connect. It is here where I can blog, write, listen to podcasts or music among many other things. We all need a place like this to express themselves and let their freak flag fly.

Turn Your Clocks Back, Daylight Saving Time Ends Sunday Morning

Daylight saving time ends on Sunday at 2:00 AM and it’s back to standard time for most people in the United States. So don’t forget to set your clocks that require manual adjustment back one hour before turning in for bed. Although there’s nothing wrong with being really early for things like church, brunch and other important things.

Happy Saturday To One And All #weekend


Hello friends, It’s Saturday and its all about chilling out (I hope) and having some fun. This morning we are off to the movies with my sister after a family breakfast. Sometime later in the day there will be some chilling out and relaxing. I hope you keep calm today because you probably need and deserve it. Have a great day everyone.

Morning @ The Movies – Doctor Strange

Dr. Stephen Strange’s (Benedict Cumberbatch) life changes after a car accident robs him of the use of his hands. When traditional medicine fails him, he looks for healing, and hope, in a mysterious enclave. He quickly learns that the enclave is at the front line of a battle against unseen dark forces bent on destroying reality. Before long, Strange is forced to choose between his life of fortune and status or leave it all behind to defend the world as the most powerful sorcerer in existence.

I don’t know a whole lot about this character but the previews make this movie a visual feast for the eyes. We are going to see it in IMAX 3D today and I am sure it will be stunning. Benedict Cumberbatch is a hot commodity right now and he seems to be the ideal actor to play this role. I will share my thoughts later.