A Ramble About Critics

Critics are everywhere. We all have an opinion but some share it loudly and perpetually they hate everything. TV, Music, Stage, Movies, Art, Food all have people who think they know what is good and you know they don’t know everything. People who find faults in everything seem to have an agenda. Maybe critics should realize how hard people work on something and hope its well received by everyone. Perhaps they think they can do something better. Critics can influence but their views don’t always mean something is of quality or not. Ultimately the greatest critic can be how well something does commercially and if the public likes it or not. Money can change everyone’s mind.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi – The Force Is Strong With This One #starwars


No spoilers here but the new Star Wars film The Last Jedi is a terrific film that does a good job of advancing the story and introducing new possibilities for the future. This is the last movie with Carrie Fisher in her role as Leia as she passed away late in 2016. I had forgotten how good Mark Hamill was as an actor. Daisy Ridley is a legit talent who is going places. There have been good reviews and bad reviews depending on who you talk to but for me I trust the storytelling here and I really liked the movie. You be the judge.

May The Force Be With You….oh go see this on a big screen, it is the best way to experience any Star Wars movie.