Serve One Another, A Foot Washing


Tonight was the Maundy Thursday service at church and it involves a foot washing. Jesus washed the feet of his disciples as a act of service and love. A foot washing is a very intimate and very special part of sharing the love for others. Feet do a lot for us and we have to care for them symbolically and in a practical way.

There Is Enough

I believe in creation that has more than enough to provide for every man, woman and child. The world has a problem with greed and that is a problem. Our world has been blessed enough for everyone to have their fair share. God or your higher power has made a place for all to enjoy the blessings of this planet we live on. No one should ever be denied a spot at the really large table that has all of humanity past, present and future. It’s at that table that we are to find peace, love and grace in abundance. I think everyone should be included and to say otherwise is not right. To take what could be someone else’s share is not right. My friends share and share alike so we are all blessed with some instead of none.

Donation Day At Work

I work for Blood Assurance, a blood bank in Chattanooga, Tennessee and I made my every 56 day donation of whole blood.

My philosophy is that if I ask someone to donate I need to donate myself. Today’s draw took a speedy 5 minutes because I prepared by hydrating and having a good meal before. This saves 3 lives.

Today Is Maundy Thursday

Today is Maundy Thursday in the Christian faith. The beginning of the story of Jesus death and resurrection.

The Tony Burgess Blog

(From The Episcopal Church Website) The Thursday in Holy Week. It is part of the Triduum, or three holy days before Easter. It comes from the Latin mandatum novum, “new commandment,” from John 13:34. The ceremony of washing feet was also referred to as “the Maundy.” Maundy Thursday celebrations also commemorate the institution of the eucharist by Jesus “on the night he was betrayed.”

This evening at my parish, St. Peter’s Episcopal we will observe this event as a part of our Holy Week observances. Easter is one day, an important day but the story of it all begins on Palm Sunday leading up to Good Friday. The story of Easter is not complete without it’s backstory.

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