I’m Not Perfect In Life And Blogging

No one is perfect and that goes for blogging. When writing I have been known to make a mistake, a typo and other errors. My brain works faster than my fingers so things get jumbled up and not correct on the screen. It’s cool when fellow bloggers call you on your flububs. Thanks for understanding what I’m saying when I might not be clear on the first go around.

Facebook’s Privacy Dilemma, It’s Pretty Sobering

facebookscreensMany of you have heard about the Facebook story involving Cambridge Analytica and user data being mined for political use. So many things you do on the site are being stored for research and some of it is being used to manipulate behaviors and opinion. You can search for more on this story for further details.

Now as a user of Facebook I am concerned about this. They aren’t taking user privacy seriously. Now is Facebook too big to fail in this situation, no…no they aren’t. Bigger websites have fallen over the years. The average user probably doesn’t care but those who do care might find themselves moving away.

No social network is immune from data mining because there are hackers out there who will find out anything for a price. Just think about what sort of information is being transmitted everyday across the World Wide Web. Your web searches show up on websites you visit because they are looking at your cookies. Very sophisticated technologies are being used to sell and influence people. Of course there is a lot of money to be made and they are doing it search by search and click by click.

The Internet has changed the world and revolutionized how we connect and do business in our lives. We all have to be vigilant in what we share with others. So my friends how are you who are on Facebook going to react. I think we all have much to think about as it comes to Facebook’s dilemma.

Mark Zuckerberg you gotta get your company in control lest it all goes away.

Hello First Day Of Spring

In the northern hemisphere it’s the first day of Spring. In my part of the world we didn’t have much of a Winter but I know other places got more snow and cold than they wanted. As the seasons change may we hope for good things to come. Love and peace to you all my friends.