Memorial Day Reflection #memorialday

It’s strange that Memorial Day is not more sober and somber. The idea of celebrating it with barbecues and parties seem weird to me. Perhaps this should be a day of mindfulness and service. Those who didn’t come home from war should be honored in a different way.

To all who gave the ultimate sacrifice may what you did never be in vain and may all people benefit in pursuing life and liberty and responsible freedom. Grace and peace to you and your families who mourn this day.

May there be peace on Earth. No more bloodshed, no more pain. No more wars

Being Fussed Over

When I was in the hospital recently for two colonoscopy procedures, I was being cared for by nurses, technicians and a doctor. One thing I can say is that I am not used to being taken care of in such a manner. Being fussed over is strange to me.

Throughout my life I am used to taking care of other people which a part of being a “people pleaser” sort of person. I am used to being the one doing things for others. Maybe I do not want to be seen as lazy or something like that. As I go on in life perhaps I should practice some self care and allow others to help along the way.

Being fussed over is something I could get used to. But then again I never want to take that for granted. Believe me I am trying to get over that pleasing everyone thing.

A Personal Update – I Had A Follow-Up Colonoscopy

Hello Friends,

I have been away for a couple of days due to a follow-up colonoscopy procedure I underwent on Friday, May 28th.

I was subject to a two-day prep, which meant a liquid diet and ingesting some horrible stuff to flush my system out to be as clear as possible. The procedure itself was nothing compared to the two days of getting ready for it. That is a common story for all who have been through a colonoscopy. One thing I know is that the anesthesia is kinda the fun part about it.

My doctor removed a 30mm polyp out of my colon. The polyp will be sent to a lab for analysis so I can know that it’s nothing to worry about or something to deal with. I am glad the whole thing is over for awhile.

I first want to thank my Mrs., The Soup Diva for taking care of me these past few days. It was not easy for her. Things are hopefully returning to a more normal state or being for us. One thing I know is that I am a horrible patient and being taken care of does not come naturally to me. I will write more about that in a follow-up post.

The nurses and technicians were great, and my doctor was a pro. I am grateful for their professionalism and care.

With grace and peace, your blogging pal


Today Is Geek Pride Day #geek #geekpride

Geek Pride Day is an initiative to promote geek culture, celebrated annually on May 25. The initiative originated in Spain in 2006 as and spread around the world via the Internet.

If you are a blogger you have the spirit of a geek living in you. This is something to celebrate and to live out in your daily lives. Be proud to be a geek, the world is living better because of us. Geeks for life!