Sunday Reflection – Technology

I am all for progress when it comes to civil rights and being sure all people have the same freedoms to love and live as they want. We are too slow in that area.

However, when it comes to technology perhaps we are moving too fast. People need the time to catch up. I hope there is continual progress in creating a safe environment and healing those who are hurting. But I think we need to put some brakes on things like Artificial Intelligence. I think too many people are going to be harmed there. The actors and writers on strike are making that point clear.

One of my favorite movies has a line that says “You can’t stop progress” but you know maybe slowing it down would be a good thing. What we are seeing is the potential for economic and institutional harm. Of course, the marketplace will dictate the speed of adoption because there is money to be made.

My friends, it’s OK to use technology that makes sense and is not always on the bleeding edge. This post is being written on an older model Dell desktop computer using a Linux operating system on the Firefox web browser. Sounds kind of old-school but I like it like that.

I do like having technology that improves my writing of blog posts and the like. But I don’t want it to be used in misinformation and other nefarious actions. We have already seen bad people doing bad things using available technology to advance their views and agendas.

Let’s slow down, make sense of things and use technology wisely and be sure that technology doesn’t use us.