Tag Archives: racism

Hate is Hell On Earth

I believe in a pure sense that God disapproves of all the hate that is going on here on Earth. The way minorities, LGBTQ, and others who are not white, straight and the like get is pretty evil in my mind. It’s time to calm down the hate. No one who is just trying to make it in the world deserves to be hated or threatened.

It’s time for those who hate and spread hate to grow the hell up and realize that everyone should have a chance to make it in this crazy world. I truly believe that hate is hell on Earth. Let’s do that peace and love thing. Let’s do better for all people.

Teach Your Children Well

Teaching about the evils of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia and other social ills is very important in these days we live in. For our society to advance you have to peel back the curtain that some would rather keep closed because that means they are complicit in making life hard for others. Without these lessons those who seek to take the country back to a dark place will win. America should be a place for life, liberty and happiness for all. Future generations depend on that promise. Teach our children well because their lives literally depend on it.

In Remembrance – Say No To #Racism And #Discrimination

Remembering the names of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmad Arbery who lost their lives last year. They and many others are victims of systemic and other forms of racism. We also must be mindful of racism against Asian people who are unfortunately victims of COVID-related violence.

It seems that for the world to be well racism is something that should die just like the Coronavirus. Loving your neighbors of all races, genders, and orientations is a best practice. Discrimination is just plain wrong. The world needs to come together now more than ever. Everyone is human and worthy of living without fear.