Something About Titles

Titles are words but they have meaning and the weight of responsibility behind them. When you have a title it means you have achieved something, you have moved upwards. A title means you have been affirmed by those who have noticed you have worked hard and are doing good things.

Some titles are earned by competition against your peers like in civic life or athletics. People work hard to have the title of champion, best in show, best actor/actress or something that elevates you. One’s self-esteem can be impacted by that sort of thing. 

The WWE World Heavyweight Championship Title Belt (Smackdown Live)

Your resume is boosted by having titles that show you have worked your butt off. I have had titles come and go in my life and there is excitement and achievement when you earn them but when they have been stripped away you feel like you have taken steps back. 

Of course titles can be what you call something you created. However that is for another post.

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