Labor Day Monday

Today is Labor Day in the United States. It’s a day set aside to recognize the labor movement and it’s workers. Labour Day is celebrated in Canada on the first Monday of September.

There is plenty of work to do and sometimes not enough folks to fill those spots. Vocational education is needed now more than ever to train people to do the work of building homes, repairing air conditioning, automobiles and to keep other essential systems we rely upon daily running.

To all working and working to find work keep on going. You are needed to build and keep our communities running.

Why Do I Blog? Because It’s Fun!

Daily writing prompt
Why do you blog?

I blog because it’s a fun and creative outlet for me. The cool thing about blogging is that you can make connections with people from all over the world. We get to share a little of our corner of the world and what we think about stuff. Blogs are a digital extension of our real-world lives. Every post is a snapshot to borrow a photography term of what is going on at any moment.

Those posts can be crafted into a series where you have the opportunity to share thoughts about a universe of things. I love to blog and it’s cool to know that I have a potential audience of billions of people. My official slogan is “Keep on blogging” and I say that because the community needs your voice.

Breakfast At Mimi’s Deli In Chattanooga

We tried a new restaurant this morning and it was a great move. Mimi’s Deli is a local restaurant in the Hixson community of Chattanooga, Tennessee that does breakfast and lunch. This is corned beef hash with scrambled egg and a biscuit. It was tasty and filling. Their menu is loaded with tasty meals. 10/10 recommend again.