Tag Archives: service

Thought Of The Day 06092024

People focus on leadership but I think the world needs more servants. There is a lot of work to be done and when people desire to help out the world could be a better place. Of course, there is servant leadership but the servant part has to be the focus. Find out what you are enthusiastic about and then do that and hopefully, others will want to do the same. The key thing is to serve so that the world can be a better place.

Thought Of The Day 02072024

Leadership begins with service and doing things that make life better for everyone. It also means being willing to compromise to get things done. I believe that at the heart of politics should be service and good leaders will realize that concept.

For any nation to function it must have leaders who work for the good of everyone and are sure people are free from discrimination and fear. It also means standing up for what is right and resisting forces that seek to rule by instilling fear into those they serve and serve with.

No one person should have so much influence that it impedes the service of those elected to serve the people. What is happening in Washington DC is not good. We should not tolerate the impeding of the business of governing by one person who has done very bad things.

In short, I want to see the former president who has been impeached and indicted go away. Donald Trump is not good for America and as we are seeing the world.


Sunday Reflection – Service

Life provides an opportunity to serve and to be served. We all have responsibilities to help. Then there comes the time for others to help you. It’s my view that we all have to do some heavy lifting at different stages in our lives. Using our talents and giving our time are two things that we can offer to make the world better. Isn’t that something we should all be doing?

Pre-Memorial Day Reflection

Monday is Memorial Day in the USA where those who served and sacrificed everything in the military are remembered and honored. A solemn and serious time of reflection and honor to those who are no longer with us because they died for their nation.

APTOPIX Memorial Day California

It is my hope that those who have served and sacrificed over the past few years have done so for all Americans. Freedom and liberty are two words used a lot in the USA and it doesn’t seem everyone has access to those ideals that many people hold fast to their heart and soul.

Yes, I am a liberal but I respect those who chose to wear the uniform of this nation. Not everyone can or will make that choice and its an individual decision. Also not everyone is suited for this type of service. For those who serve who are also a part of the LGBTQ community thank you for being on the wall, on the front lines and doing so even though many in this country hates you just for being who you were born to be.

Let’s remember those who gave all but strive to make that sacrifice worth it for everyone. It’s the American way isn’t it?

Memorial Day 2018 In The USA #memorialday


Memorial Day or Decoration Day is a federal holiday in the United States for remembering the people who died while serving in the country’s armed forces. On this day remember the ultimate sacrifice many have made to serve others and to advance the right to life, liberty and happiness for everyone.