The Cost Of Saying “No” Too Many Times

You can only say “no” too many times before people stop asking you to be a part of something. I understand too well that saying “yes” too many times can deplete your mind, body and soul. Saying “no” frequently means giving up possible opportunities that can change your life and the lives of others.

The solution could be prioritizing ones life so that there can be some balance but even then its easy to decline instead of accept. Professionally you have to say yes every now and then to indicate you still have interest in growth and advancement in your chosen field. Personally it means giving value to relationships of family and friends that you want to be a part of their lives.  Just saying “no” just to say “no” out of habit can be a problem for you down the road.

It takes courage either way to say yes and to say no. You just have to figure out what means more to you.

Daily Prompt – Word Of The Day: Exposure

To take a picture in the old way means exposing film to light to create a image. Then you have to process and develop that film to create a print that can be seen by everyone.

Exposure also means being made aware of things that are not familiar. Lots of places need exposure to share what they are doing and to bring people to the marketplace of ideas and commerce.

Exposure can also be a very negative thing when bad behavior is brought to light so that all can see. No one wants their dirty laundry to be seen.

It’s interesting how exposure can have different applications and uses in life. It can also have special meanings depending on the situation.
