Tag Archives: environment

Earth Day 2024, Do Your Part

Earth Day is an annual event on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. First held on April 22, 1970, it now includes a wide range of events coordinated globally involving over 1 billion people in more than 193 countries.

Taking care of the planet that we all share is important. Everyone should do their part to make the world environment a better place. It’s easy, just by reducing, reusing, recycling, restoring, and replenishing you can make a difference. Small moves can mean big results.

Caring For Creation

My church hosted a seminar on the environment and faith; the two should be closely linked. Being a good steward of the gifts of mother Earth is the right thing to do.

It requires using our hearts, minds, and spirit to do something for this creation of nature we have been given. It’s essential to do things such as recycling, conserving energy (yes I am not always good at that), and extending the life of the things I use to make life easier.

As a believer, I am glad to do these things because it’s a way of showing how much I want this planet to be there for future generations. Love your neighbor as yourself extends to being concerned for the environment. Caring for creation is a statement of faith.

Happy Earth Day 2017 #earthday


Today is Earth Day a time to be mindful of taking care of this planet where we all call home. Hopefully we will be inspired to be diligent in taking care of our environment and the places that sustain life for all. You can do a lot to help just by simply recycling, reusing and restoring. Our world is in peril because of global warming so reducing our carbon footprint is a must. If we all do our part in taking care of Mother Earth it would make a big difference in keeping our world safe for generations to come.

Happy Earth Day Everyone! Be good to creation and one another #earthday

Earth Day is an annual event, celebrated on April 22, on which day events worldwide are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. (From Wikipedia).


Take care of our Mother Earth and it will take care of us. Recycle, reuse, replenish, restore. Being green is a good thing for everyone.

Today Is Earth Day 2015


Today is set aside as Earth Day. A time to renew our focus on taking care of our planet, the environment and one another. As a global community its our responsibility to be good stewards of the resources this land provides. If everyone does a little it can mean a lot in preserving life here on Mother Earth.