Tag Archives: thanksgiving

What I Hope People Say

Daily writing prompt
Tell us one thing you hope people say about you.

My hope is that people say kind things about me if I have earned it. I would hope people would say that I am a good person although I am very human and I do make mistakes.

Happy Thanksgiving To You All

It’s Thanksgiving Day here in America. It’s a day of feasting and reflection on what one is thankful for. I am thankful for the things that make this life quirky, unique, and special. May this day be one of being together with family and friends. I hope for peace and reconciliation in all communities around the world in this holiday season ahead. Much love and grace to you all.

Happy Thanksgiving Canada

To my friends and all the wonderful people of Canada I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. May this also be a mindful time of recognizing those in the First Nations community who are seeking truth and reconciliation. May all Canadians have access to justice and prosperity. Have a good day, eh.

Happy Thanksgiving To All

Dear friends, I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving today. During this time may we remember those who make our lives better. Be thankful for what we have and don’t sweat the rest. It’s important to recognize that this holiday is tough for some and does have its own issues but through reconciliation and love it can be a new way forward of gratitude and peace. However, you celebrate may you be safe and have fun. Thanks to those who serve during this day.