Tag Archives: creative writing

What I Hope People Say

Daily writing prompt
Tell us one thing you hope people say about you.

My hope is that people say kind things about me if I have earned it. I would hope people would say that I am a good person although I am very human and I do make mistakes.

My Homeland Lies Elsewhere

We have a world where being different is not cool in reality. Conforming to ideals and ideas that come from cruelty and hate seems to be expected. People who you thought were your neighbors are the ones wanting to harm you instead. Waving a flag just because you are expected to or obeying the words of leaders who seek to cause people more harm than good is not what some folks signed up for well they were born into it so they don’t have much choice in the matter.

My friends, my homeland lies elsewhere

I dream of a place where people are allowed to be their authentic selves. Space so they can breathe and dream and hope and love with passion. A time where they can live long days and nights with little cares in the world. Where people will do no harm and legislate how we are to live our lives. May we find this place sooner rather than later. May it come in our day. No matter our gender, sexuality, religion, politic, ethnicity, race and all the other labels may everyone have a home to call their own and a seat at every table. This is where I want to call home.


Streaming and Dreaming

So many streams

So much Netflix, Hulu, Disney+ and Amazon Prime

So many choices, so little time

So many things to see and experience

So many stories to be told

So be careful when you binge lest you get old

So much, too much to pick from

After a while, it isn’t so much fun.

The Internet is bending but will it break

Because of the powerful streams, people are enjoying

Make time for yourself. Your favorite characters will be there when you get back

All this streaming can inspire some dreaming

Hey can you bring me some popcorn and a beverage or two

Stream, stream, stream is all we wanna do.

Enjoy your Mandalorian and that Baby Yoda too.

All of it is streaming to you.

Yeah, there’s too much to watch.

Common Places

The poor, the rich, the in-between can all be found in common places. Those spaces where they go to eat, drink, shop, put fuel in their vehicles, go to work, worship and that sort of thing. Common places are great equalizers and hopefully gives us perspective on our daily life.  Without those common places we might not commune with one another. Social circles don’t always intersect. Sure there are surprises but they are few and far between. Observing our patterns of existence can be fascinating and eye-opening. Maybe while we are in those common places we can share a common cup of whatever we need to get us through this life.

Broadband For All, Not Just Internet

We live in a technologically broadband world where we want things to be delivered to our screens and front door as fast as possible. Going back to anything slower would not be acceptable. Technology has changed our world.

If we are using broadband and change in technology as a metaphor it makes me wonder why politically and culturally so many people want to go back to the dark ages. No one I know is pining for the good old days of dial-up Internet where it took forever to get online and we had to wait so long for things to appear on our screens.

Lately there has been the call of going back to a time where some feel like the world was at its best makes me wonder. Can you imagine people not having access to a broadband world let alone a world of opportunities they were not able to enjoy. Doesn’t it make sense to move forward and to give everyone the broadest opportunities in life where information as well as free and open existence is something they can count on.

Those who seek to narrow the bandwidth of life sound selfish to me. To throttle the speed of change isn’t a very just thing to do. A fast pipe is not too much to ask for people who seem to be told that 56K dial-up is all they should ever hope to get. Let’s just hope some people aren’t going to be taken back to the time before technology revolutionized everything. I hope that no one would have to be relegated to places where they aren’t even let in a library or a school or even places where people are making decisions that impact their lives.

Shaping Your Future For Conversations About The Past

My parent’s recently moved into an independent living facility. They have a spacious 730 sq.ft. apartment with everything they need to live and also they take their meals in a dining room 3 times a day. Many of their needs are being met which is a relief to our family.

They are in their 70’s and a part of the Baby Boom generation. Every generation has its time in history where they shape the culture of the world. Everything from politics, religion, music, arts and more have been created by them as their legacy.

It got me to thinking that everyone ages and will find their way into some sort of care scenario whether it be a facility like my parents or in their home with a caregiver that comes by daily.

Just think about the conversations about ones personal history that will be had when one turns 70 or 80 or even 90. Who knows how long people will live as medical advances are made.

I can imagine people who were into hip hop and heavy metal in a facility talking about Jay Z to Metallica. Remember when Star Wars came out? Were you a gamer and if so how what was your favorite gaming platform. They will talk about who was better Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant or Lebron James. Can you imagine what tattoos will look like and guys rocking that earring they got when they were 16 at the mall. Remember malls. I believe Generation X will lead the way followed by Millennials and on down the timeline.

We will share stories about the wars we fought in. September 11th and how it changed our country. The presidential elections of 2000 and 2016. Where were you when your heard Michael Jackson died. Do we still want our MTV if it will be around then.

My friends every day you are getting older. Getting experienced and hopefully wiser. The key to everything is living and growing and storing up topics for conversations throughout your life. The memories can sustain you but future memories are there to be made.

I gotta believe the dining room will have taco Tuesday and gluten free this and that. Certainly.


Cigarettes and Lottery Tickets

There she was at a convenience store where they sell cigarettes and lottery tickets and oh yeah gasoline and beer. Two Marlboro boxes and a lotto 17 is what she forked over her hard earned cash for. It’s funny that she hopes to get lucky and rich with one thing while impairing her health with the others. We all have our vices. It’s just interesting to see what people pickup to get them by and make them a little better off than they were before.