Cosmetics @ Whole Foods

I was perusing the cosmetic section at Whole Foods tonight and was amazed there are products that are made to enhance the beauty of the wearer without making a negative impact on our planet and other living creatures. There were lots of interesting things to see and it’s cool that you can get these items along with buying ones groceries. I don’t think I have seen products like these at Walgreens or Walmart for that matter. Of course you will pay more but I think its worth it.




Rambling About Being Forty Six

So today I am 46 years old. Yep, I am 4 years away from being 50. Years ago, the age of 46 would have been old age but not today. People live longer and better. To tell you the truth I don’t want my age to be an issue in my friendships and dealings with others. Yes there will be times when life experience and generational stuff can impact how I relate to others but I want to relate to people in the here and now.

So my friends, I am just like you, just a few years older. Everyday I hope to be wiser, more informed, relatable. Being young or old is a state of mind and attitude. You don’t have to call me sir unless you want to and I am cool with that. Age is nothing but a number. Thank you for being my blogging friends.

The picture above is of me at my 40th birthday party in 2009. Hard to believe its been six years since that event that my wife made possible for me. 

Hurricane Katrina – 10 Years Ago

Ten years ago one of the worst natural disasters took place when Hurricane Katrina came ashore in the gulf coast impacting millions of people and caused many to lose their lives. The damage was in the billions of dollars and to this day people are still recovering. Places like New Orleans were hit hardest and people of all economic levels had their lives changed forever. The cities Lower 9th Ward were the people struggle daily to make a living were impacted the most. People who lived there for decades found themselves homeless. Fortunately thousands of people were able to escape to various places where they were taken in by cities and total strangers. Many of those people relocated to other places like my hometown of Chattanooga.

Today I remember that historic event that changed our country forever. Hurricane Katrina still is on the minds of many who saw what it did and for many who survived it. May we never forget what that devastating storm did and may we be mindful it can happen again.