Something About The Way Things Are

I don’t things are horrible or bad in general right now. Some folks are genuinely suffering because of a lack of work or perhaps poor health. Perhaps where they live has seen a down turn. But for the vast majority of us we are doing OK. Could we be doing better, sure but I think being grateful to our creator for what we have is a good thing. People in prior generations had love, family, community and modest possessions that were all they needed.

I look at what I have and I realize I am doing alright. The notion of making a country great doesn’t begin with economic and military advantage, no it begins with love, kindness and harmony. If you are reading this you are doing better than many but being great means sharing with others what you have. Good people don’t buy into negative rhetoric, buy into a vision of a good present and a bright future.

We are indeed better and stronger when everyone is taken care of. It’s a matter of being greater together.

I Am Positive It’s Monday

proton-positiveToday is Monday and we are all getting back to work (except those who get today off because of Columbus Day or Canadian Thanksgiving). Holidays on Mondays mean three-day weekends for some which is awesome.

I am positive today will provide opportunities to do great things for those . Let’s try to think of Monday in a different way today or something like that. My friends let’s have the best day forward.