Sunday Reflection: Coronavirus and George Floyd

Coronavirus and George Floyd without a doubt are the two stories that have dominated the public consciousness over the past few weeks. The virus and racism are things that are serious illnesses that everyone is contending with these days. It would be safe to say that both have caused much chaos in the order of things.

Can we say that the chaos we are experiencing is going to create lasting change. Perhaps a new way of living and thinking is being born. Normal life is being recreated and in my mind its for the better.

For too long the status quo has ruled the day but I recognize that is a highly personal situation. However in a universal sense the status quo got us to where we are in this point of history. There was no way anyone could have predicted a year ago the pandemic but racism has always been there. Racism of any type is wrong. It is the great sickness that has cost humanity dearly. Why are black people treated so badly?

My friends we are going through some hard times in the world we live in. How we answer the call and face the challenges will be recorded in our history books. Now is the time to learn to love more and hate less. Be mindful of the needs of others. We cannot afford to mess this up. The future of our world depends on it.

Right now we owe it to those who have lost their lives due to the virus and racism to make things better for everyone. Yes my friends Black Lives Matter. May those who need healing get it freely. As a person of faith I pray for all to be well sooner rather than later.