Tag Archives: love

Good Friday, In The Name Of Love

Today is Good Friday which is the day in which Jesus Christ was crucified. Considering all the bad things that people do why would a good man like Jesus die a painful and shocking death so that people would have an avenue for life everlasting? I believe it’s all about love. Jesus taught us to love one another, love our neighbors as ourselves and so much more. He healed the sick, fellowshipped, got angry, and did so many more things all in the name of love. We are all worthy of that love. No matter who you are, who you love, people of all races and faces and who you have been in your past it’s that sacrificial love that matters the most. So this is indeed a Good Friday where we celebrate love. As U2 sings once more in the name of love.

Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone

I hope all of you had a Happy Valentine’s Day whether you celebrated with someone special or with a group of special people (think Galentines) today. My missus and I went out for Latin food and sushi from the same restaurant then went to Ash Wednesday services at church. Remember love is the way.

Sunday Reflection – Life, Love

When life gets tough, it’s good to keep things simple. Doing your best to keep things going is the rule of the day. Everyone struggles and that is when being there for others is a good thing to do. Of course, be kind to others and hope they will return the favor.

Love one another hopefully isn’t too cliche to be solid advice. I would also venture to boldly go together.

Grace, peace, and love good people.

Good Friday Reflection

Note: This reflection is meant to share my feelings and thoughts on the Christian observance of Good Friday. I respect the faith traditions of people who in good faith are willing to have dialogue with others.

Today is Good Friday and as usual I’m taking a different spin on it. Sure it’s the day when Jesus went to the cross. It’s the day when chaos broke out. It was the day when love reigned and ruled. The death of Jesus was about coming attractions and the future of humanity. The most important thing to remember is that he lived radically and loved everyone along the way. Without all the work he did his death would not mean as much. For those who say they aren’t worthy of Jesus’ love and sacrifice miss the point because he would not have endured the pain unless he thought we were worth it all. In the light of recent events Jesus reminds us that love should blow the hell out of fear and hate. So on this day of darkness remember the light of love will shine soon enough.