Tag Archives: Canada

Remembering D-Day, France 1944

Eighty years ago thousands of men from all walks of life and from several allied countries stormed the beach at Normandy, France for the largest amphibian operation in history. Thousands died that day and for those who are still living the memory of that day of horror and pain lives on. To all those men there that day, thank you for defending things like freedom, and democracy. You challenged evil and won. Well done troops.

Canadian Politics

Canadians have to pay attention to the politics going on in their country. The poison of American right-wing extremism and MAGA is spreading north of the border. Be aware of what is going on and keep Canadian conservatives accountable for the stuff they are talking about. Pierre Poilievre is not a good person. Also, take care of people on the margins like LGBTQ and others who have enjoyed civil rights for years. I believe in you Canada. I love you.

Veterans Day and Remembrance Day – Thank You For Serving and Lest We Forget

Today veterans who have served in the armed forces of the United States and the Commonwealth of Nations are being remembered and honored. For any man or woman who wore a uniform of service may you always feel the gratitude of your countrymen and women. Your sacrifice means a lot. Thank you for everything.

Happy Thanksgiving Canada

To my friends and all the wonderful people of Canada I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. May this also be a mindful time of recognizing those in the First Nations community who are seeking truth and reconciliation. May all Canadians have access to justice and prosperity. Have a good day, eh.

Support For LGTBQ Citizens In The USA and Canada – Equality Not Hate

People who are citizens of the LGBTQ community in both the USA and Canada are experiencing discrimination and hate. All they want to do is live their lives and it seems there are some that can’t stand that. I am standing with those who want to love, live, and laugh without fear of reprisal or those who seek to take from them what they enjoy themselves. There is no space for hate and equality hurts no one.

To conservatives, leave people alone. I dig your desire for fiscal responsibility and that sort of thing. However, your social issues side sucks. You don’t have the right to ruin their lives.

Canadian Wildfires

Wildfires are wreaking havoc in Eastern, Central, and Alberta Canada. I hope those impacted will be safe and cared for. I love Canada and may those fires be extinguished as soon as possible. May those working to put the fires out have what they need to get things under control to save lives and property and more.