I’m With Her – Hillary Clinton In 2016

I have been trying to decide who I will support in the presidential election of 2016. Today is the time when we need to move forward and do things to bring all people into the fold. Hillary Clinton I believe is that person. We cannot go backwards as a country only forward. I am with her. I am all in.

12 thoughts on “I’m With Her – Hillary Clinton In 2016”

  1. I wish I could feel that strongly about one or the other. I THINK I’m going to vote for Sanders, but that’s today’s feeling. I’ve still got 6 weeks.

    But it doesn’t look like Sanders will pull it off.

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  2. Although I did vote for her husband, I don’t feel I can vote for her. In fact, my conscious says not to vote at all. I try to never go against my conscience or I defeat my purpose in life of doing right. So sad but no vote for me.😢🇺🇸

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    1. You don’t have to vote for president but there are local and state races with more direct impact on your life that I encourage you to vote for. As far as Hillary, she has been persecuted more than anyone in recent memory for things that others have gotten a pass on. I have no reason not to trust her even in her mistakes. Donald Trump must never be president.

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  3. Jag trodde Clinton skulle vinna jag höll på henne, detta som hänt känner jag som oroande fast jag bor och lever i Sverige långt bort men vi får avvakta och så vad som händer. Hur tänkte dessa americaner fattar inte. Han kan inget om politik tänker bara på sig själv ta ner skatterna och göra affärer, men allt annat är mycket mycket oroande för hela världen.
    En hälsning till dej och familjen från Mella i Sverige som oroas av detta medn Trump som sagt så mycket elakt om människor trots allt är vi ju alla bara människor, spelar ingen roll var du kommer ifrån vem du är du är människa i denna världen. Hans kvinnosyn är inte heller bra, tråkigt ledsamt.


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