Something About Turning The Clock Back

Some folks these days want to turn back the clock it seems. As much as they would love to go back to a time when they didn’t have to encounter people who are different from them they just can’t do it in reality.

If they could, then they should go all in. Let’s get rid of modern conveniences like The Internet and cool things like Amazon and Netflix. Make it hard to breathe and fewer restaurant choices. Medicine, who needs things to keep diabetics and others with chronic illnesses from suffering. Our cars can get less miles to the gallon and our roads won’t be as nice either.

We can go on and on in turning the clock back so that some people feel more powerful and entitled. My friends the world is a scary place these days because a lot of people are afraid out there of change because they don’t want to have to move forward. We all have a choice to embrace the future where everyone has a say and is equal or backwards where some folks live in a lot of fear. Let’s keep the ball of life moving forward because we can’t go backwards, at least I hope so.

Daily Prompt: Prefer

Paper or plastic, Pepsi or Coca Cola, chocolate or vanilla. What you prefer can say something about you and says something about your tastes. Our preferences are things to pay attention to if you want to make someone happy. What we want is what we want but we can’t have our own way all the time. What you prefer is one thing but what is available is another.

via Daily Prompt: Prefer