Supporting Transgender Visibility Day #TDOV

Today is Transgender Day of Visibility. This celebrates trans people and to bring awareness of discrimination of those people around the world. They are citizens, they pay their taxes and they most importantly are human beings.

The Tony Burgess Blog


International Transgender Day of Visibility is an annual holiday occurring on March 31 dedicated to celebrating transgender people and raising awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people worldwide….(From Wikipedia)

I am saluting those who choose to be their authentic selves despite discrimination and hate. People who seek life, liberty and happiness no matter what are worthy to be celebrated and loved as great human beings.

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Something About #Easter and #Sundays

Easter is something to be lived out daily. It means intentional devotion and being active in ones faith community. The whole Sunday’s coming thing is meaningless if one doesn’t practice what they believe the other six days of the week.

For those of other faith traditions being active and engaged in your communities can only make the world a better place.

About Following This Blog and Who I Follow #blogging #wordpress

pexels-photo-262508.jpegI am a friendly and open person. When it comes to my blog all I want following are real, live people and not any sort of business or brand or any site that just exists to hock their wares. The type of connections I want here are person to person, human to human. Any site that looks like a bot or any sort of SEO thing will be blocked by me. Don’t even bother following if you aren’t an actual human being. My blog is about making two-way conversations and I am not interested in any sort of commercial transactions. So I am picky about who I let follow and I think everyone else should be too.

Bad Moms, A Good And Funny Movie

Bad Moms Wine

I am not a parent and this movie was hilarious, laugh out loud funny and so much more. There is a commentary on how busy and over extended our parents and in this case moms are and by extension their kids. In the search for perfection and status humanity has lost its focus on raising decent and kind kids who will make the world a better place. Mila Kunis leads this loaded cast of talented women (and a few men) into examining the human condition from a different perspective.