Viral On Threads, Boring On WordPress?

A post from my Threads feed

I think I have been blogging consistently for 15 years or so. In that time I have never had any post get more than the number of likes I got on this post on the Threads platform which is run by the folks of Instagram/Meta. This post about celebrating Hanukkah has gotten 928 plus likes and 44 replies That is what I call a viral response.

No blog post on any of the blogging platforms I have used has even come close to that number. I even use tags on my blog posts to reach a wider audience. I am just wondering if I have become stale to my blogging audience? This is just something I am wondering about.

We Need To Calm Down

There is so much venom out on the web. Reading comments is something that can break your heart. We all need to calm the “F” down, including me. We let our opinions get the best of our better angels, which is not good. Then some people don’t give a damn about feelings and will post something that will do great harm to someone else. Maybe let’s just take a breath and think twice before saying something that will do great damage. Let there be peace on the interwebs.

(PS: Now, I believe that there are some things you must speak out about, and in that action, it might require stepping on toes.)