This Is Not A Food Blog…All The Time

Like a good wannabe hipster I blog about food. I am on Instagram after all where food pix are very ubiquitous. This blog curates and chronicles the stuff I like and I do enjoy good food. If I make you hungry or queasy I do apologize. So I don’t have a food blog but a little bit of everything blog and sometimes it means food.

Pancakes anyone?

The Weekend Is Here

My friends, the weekend is here. I am so, so glad. The week has been long, well the last few weeks have been long. I am chilling out at home on a Friday night and I am very pleased to be doing some stuff around the house like cooking steaks, eating pumpkin pie and watching TV with my love.

Tomorrow we are going to breakfast with my family and a football game at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga where they are celebrating homecoming. Lots of blue and gold and alumni and fun.

Sunday is church along with some rest and relaxation.

My friends I hope you have a great weekend. Of course it will be blogged. Your friendship is a good thing. Have fun. Be safe. Grace and peace.