A Tribute To Russell Morash – A Public TV Icon

I am a big fan of the Public TV series “This Old House”. Its creator Russell Morash is an icon who also created many how-to shows on Boston’s WGBH public TV station including “The French Chef” from Julia Child. I am going to be bold to say that without Russell Morash the modern home improvement and food TV scene would not be the same. He was influential and creative. Russell died on Thursday at age 88. There will never be anyone like him again.

My Take On The Public Ten Commandments

I am a believer. The 10 Commandments are important. They don’t belong in a classroom where people from all walks of life are there to learn and grow as people who will hopefully change the world. Imagine if the same effort to put them there was put into our public schools to make them places where children can get a quality education in a safe environment.

Also, some of those kids come to school hungry so being sure they are fed so they can perform as students who need to know stuff so they can get a good job one day. The 10 Commandments won’t make that happen.

Perhaps teaching religion at home or in a house of worship would be better. I’d rather see someone’s faith acted out in service rather than on the wall of a school classroom where other stuff should be.

The First Day Of Summer 2024, Ick!

Snoopy and Woodstock might be enjoying Summer but I am not a fan. It’s too damn hot and it’s just getting started. Of course, I am salty because my car’s air conditioning doesn’t work so driving around isn’t comfy. However, I do work in an air-conditioned office. Also, I don’t like to sweat all that much, and where I live it’s also humid and sticky. Ick. Can we speed through to fall? If you are a fan of Summer, enjoy.

Remembering Juneteenth, An Important Holiday Celebrating Freedom

Juneteenth is an annual observance on June 19 to remember when Union soldiers enforced the Emancipation Proclamation and freed all remaining slaves in Texas on June 19, 1865. The observance of this holiday is an opportunity for people to celebrate freedom and equal rights for all citizens in the United States. This is an important time for African Americans and is a reminder to all Americans about this dark time in history. This is also a reminder that all people should be free to enjoy the benefits of life, liberty, and happiness. We must be mindful of those who lived under the oppression of slavery in the United States and elsewhere.