A Ramble About Narcissism

A lot of bloggers write about narcissism. Admittedly I don’t know much about the issue other than it’s a issue where someone holds a higher view of themselves which causes other behavior issues. I can see there are people whose ego and self-worth can be a serious issue on many different levels. We see many people in the culture who are narcissists and those people need to put themselves on a level above the average person. We see people who have a difficulty relating to others because of their view of themselves.

It makes me wonder if those who blog about themselves or posts selfies are just wanting to share their lives or perhaps it is something more. Under the definition of what narcissism is I could be a narcissist or is there something different here? Those who write about the subject seem to have experiences that have deeply impacted their lives. It is a subject I honestly didn’t think much about until I started seeing it written about extensively on blogs I read.

We take a look in our culture and its pretty obvious who is stuck on themselves and they cannot see the condition and lives of others. Maybe those people need some course correction and to have their mirrors taken away. Life is too short to be stuck on ourselves. Maybe life experience from another person would help a narcissist come to terms with their behavior. There are some folks who enjoy being stuck on themselves. It’s all strange and curious. Once again I don’t know much. I just hope I don’t fit the definition.

A Reflection on President Jimmy Carter

Former US President Jimmy Carter is a great man of faith and action. He was president during some difficult times in my country during the late 1970’s. The legacy of leadership and service he has built is second to none. Mr. Carter teaches Sunday school at his church in Plains, Georgia and has been an active supporter of Habitat For Humanity assisting in the building of many homes for people in need. He has helped broker peace in many countries too. He is a supporter of equality and justice, two things our world needs much of. President Carter is a genuine statesman and humanitarian.

President Carter you and your family have my prayers and good thoughts as you battle cancer. You still have work to do and may God give you many more days ahead.

Happy Left Handers Day – Keep Left and Carry On! #lefthandersday


Today, August 13th is Left Handers Day! It is a day to recognize how awesome left-handed people are, like me. My wife is also left handed as well as many other great people.

This annual celebration is to honor peoplw who have been born left-handed and also our way of raising awareness among the right-handed majority of the different talents and needs of left-handers, particularly children.

So to all of us who are left handed we can honestly say we are the only ones in our right minds. Have a great day fellow lefties. Keep Left!