Cheese triggers same part of brain as hard drugs, study finds | Food & Drink | Extras | The Independent

Cheese contains a chemical found in addictive drugs, scientists have found. The team behind the study set out to pin-point why certain foods are more addictive than others. Using the Yale Food Addiction Scale, designed to measure a person’s dependence on, scientists found that cheese is particularly potent because it contains casein.  The substance, which is present in all dairy products, can trigger the brain’s opioid receptors which are linked to addiction.

Source: Cheese triggers same part of brain as hard drugs, study finds | Food & Drink | Extras | The Independent

My New Dick Tracy Watch From Samsung

dick_tracy_large-560x315For Christmas, Santa Laura got me a Samsung Gear watch that pairs with my Galaxy S5 phone. It has a few useful apps and extends the functions of my phone to my wrist. I am calling it my “Dick Tracy” watch after the comic strip of the same name where the lead character used a really cool watch to communicate. I can take pictures, answer calls, get notifications, use Evernote, Feedly, listen to music and other cool things. I really like it. So I would like to thank Santa Laura for putting it under the tree for me. 20151226_171631