Coronavirus Commentary

The global crisis we face is one based upon science, technology, medicine and yep a little bit of faith. Investing in all of those things is what is going to bring about a treatment for the Coronavirus. For those who are wondering when this will be over, I don’t know No one knows. We have to ride this thing out for as long as it takes. Worrying about the economy is worrying about the wrong thing. Everyone is going to take a hit of some sort. Life will be unpleasant at times. People will die, people will survive. The chase for instant gratification is a fool’s errand. It’s going to be a rough ride.

The Blog Has A New Look, Using The 2015 #WordPress Theme


My blog has a new, different look. This is the 2015 WordPress Default theme and it does a lot of good things such as offering a clean look, plenty of space and a left-side sidebar (most blogs have their sidebar on the right). I am pleased with the modifications and the hue of blue its rocking. I hope it is easy on the eyes for most people. Tell me what you think in the comment section below. Thanks to you all. Keep on blogging good people.